Credit cards provide users with a predetermined credit limit, allowing purchases without immediate cash. This limit is determined by factors like credit history and income, emphasizing responsible spending and timely repayments for financial discipline.
Staying within the credit limit is crucial for effective financial management, ensuring users meet obligations without accumulating excessive debt. Responsible credit card use builds a positive credit history, enabling access to better financial opportunities in the future.
A personal loan is a fixed sum with a set interest rate and repayment term, serving diverse financial needs. Unlike credit cards, it provides stable monthly payments for effective budgeting.
The application involves key details for eligibility assessment, and once approved, borrowers receive a lump sum, starting a structured repayment period. Personal loans offer flexibility for various financial purposes, providing clear repayment terms for immediate needs.
Health insurance, or Mediclaim, is crucial for financial protection against unexpected medical expenses in the current era of high medical costs.
It acts as a safety net, alleviating the burden of unforeseen medical emergencies on savings. Amid rising medical inflation, health insurance is a proactive measure to offset treatment expenses, covering a range of services and promoting preventive healthcare through regular check-ups.